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18 Eyl 2024

Electronic Ad Verification System / Elektronik İlan Doğrulama Sistemi (Eids)

The second phase of EIDS, authorization verification, is implemented on September 15, 2024.


This system aims to prevent fake advertisements, advertisement pollution, consumer grievances, unauthorized and unregistered real estate activities on advertisement platforms.


With EIDS, real estate owners will be able to authorize real estate businesses to publish advertisements via e-Devlet. However, real estate businesses that do not have a TTYB document will not be able to benefit from this authority.


This authority is limited only to the advertisement placement process and does not allow real estate businesses to carry out any transactions related to the sale of title deeds.


How Will Advertisements Be Published?


Publication of Corporate Advertisements (Real Estate Business Advertisements)


Authorization of the Real Estate Business by the Real Estate Owner

  • In order to authorize the real estate business to publish an advertisement, the real estate owner must log in to the “EİDS Taşınmaz İlanı Yetkilendirme İşlemleri (EIDS Real Estate Advertisement Authorization Procedures)” service from e-Devlet.

  • On the page that opens, the “Yetkilendirme İşlemleri (Authorization Procedures)” button in the upper right corner must be clicked. At this stage, the real estates owned by the person will be listed. From here, the real estate to which authorization is requested for the advertisement should be selected and the “Devam Et (Continue)” button should be clicked.

  • On the page that opens, the authorization certificate number of the real estate business to which authorization is requested must be entered in the “yetki belgesi numarası (authorization certificate number)” section.

  • Finally, the “Yetki Bitiş Tarihi (Authorization End Date)” should be selected (The authorization period cannot be shorter than 3 months) and the transaction should be completed by clicking the “Kaydet (Save)” button.


Entering Advertisements by Real Estate Businesses

  • Real estate businesses will only be able to enter advertisements for real estates for which they have been authorized by the real estate owner.

  • It will be mandatory to enter the real estate number in the relevant field on the advertisement platform page when entering the advertisement. The system will automatically check the authorization and if there is authorization, the normal advertisement posting procedure will be completed and the advertisement will be entered.

  • Real estate businesses must obtain the real estate number from the real estate owner.


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